Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Bekki!

There are too many birthday's this month.  So maybe cupcakes next month!  Over the weekend was my friend Bekki's birthday.  She's an 80's freak so of course we had an 80's themed party.  And of course I made her a cake.

Yay for pacman! Half of it was chocolate and half was white cake.  I dyed the white cake purple, blue, and green but I didn't get a picture of it.  It's basically like my last post though.

And here are some pictures of us crazy kids!

Debbie and George! Don't we look just like them!?

Yeah....not really...but we tried!

 Here is the birthday girl all pretty in pink.

Some silly bathroom pictures.

And here we have Freddie Mercury and George Michael trying to turn poor Josh.  And Steven has a piano key tie!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Sister!

I know, I know....I was supposed to get back to the cupcakes but this was a very special occasion!  It was my sister's 30th birthday.  Love you sister!  She's a fan of the rainbow, but come on...who isn't?  I saw this really cool idea on babble.com.  It's a rainbow cake in a jar! How neat!

This is what it was supposed to look like.

Isn't it beautiful!  Yeah! I thought so too!  So brilliant me decided to do this an hour before we left for Houston to see her.....

So I go to the store get what I need....food coloring, quart size canning jars, sprinkles....QUART SIZED CANNING JARS?!  I guess I just thought that was a jumbo spoon or something (it does look pretty big)...The recipe called for pint sized canning jars...no big deal! I'll just make 2 jars instead of 3!  So still being my brilliant self didn't think about cooking time....(also did it in the microwave instead of the oven because it said 2 minutes instead of 40! Woo!).....

WRONG...For some reason I couldn't get them to cook on the outsides....but the inside was done!  I said what the hell...took them to Houston and presented them the next day....this is how it all went down.

Yeah, it's pretty ugly.  It may be rainbow colors but it's no rainbow. 

Oh look! It's much prettier out of the jar!  She ate quite a bit, then got a phone call and let the cake sit.......

This started to appear....goo...this is after being microwaved for...oh I don't know 6 minutes?.....So we removed the icing and nuked it some more...Eventually everything was well again!

Take a look at this rainbow cake in a bowl! It really did turn out pretty and gooooood. 

I just know better than to wait until the last minute, and I won't be cutting any corners next time!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Look! I do still bake!

This is something my boss asked me if I could make. I had never tried it before so I thought I would! It's a chocolate chip cake. It was SO good. My boss approved.
Flan is something I've always wanted to try to make, which is weird because I've never actually eaten it before. I don't care for it. It was kind of boring...or it was exactly how it was supposed to be, I don't know because I've never had it! My darling husband called it egg jell-o. What a sweetie...
This is a pink lady cake. My mom asked me to make something for her friend's birthday so this is what I found. I heard it was good. I hope they really enjoyed it. It was a devil's food cake with pink frosting and lady fingers around the edge.

It's been so long since I made these that I don't remember what they are called. Let's call them, cream cheese awesome. They were pretty damn good. The "shell" is a tortilla, filling is cream cheese, and it was obviously topped with blueberries! You could put anything on top. Maybe I'll do chocolate next time. Mmm...

I feel like I'm getting away from what the actual blog is supposed to be. Cupcakes. I think I'll try to make some from the original book this week. Wish me luck.